Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Descriptive Writing


Winter is a cold and heartless wind that scours the empty roads.

Winter is a bully, scraping leaves off trees and leaving us in the cold and sour emptiness.

Winter is a lonely soul whispering as soft as the wind and bellowing as mighty as thunder.

Winter showers us with rain when she is sad and strikes us with lightning when she is mad.

Winter is a cold and empty spirit that awaits in the corners of the streets for people who will be new victims of her anger and distress.

She has long dangly tails that drapes themselves around you as you pass her on the streets.

Winter hits your windows at night and brings a shiver up your spine as she silently stalks you every day and night.

Winter is almost gone but I am glad because
Winter is a cold and heartless wind that scours the empty roads.

By Mafoa Siale

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